Creating a wellness brand but with a unique vibe? Here’s how it went…

Brand tags and identity

Brand tags and identity

✨ Outline

Recently worked on Good Gut Project, a company driven to bring a change into the health industry by providing customised online dietician services, building a community around the health driven people and creating their own organic products further ahead.

My process around the project began with deciding upon an inspiration board, then iterating over designs to align ideas, beliefs, mission, and long term vision of the team.



<aside> ✅ With the design aspect, we intended to follow up with a certain style to reciprocate throughout the brand to bring in a sense of belongingness and cohesion throughout.


💪 Bold, Fresh and Catchy

The vibrant colors and striking typography create a memorable and energetic brand identity

🫂 Community-Focused

The brand focuses on building a supportive community of health-conscious individuals fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose.

🔄 Redefining Health

Challenges traditional perceptions of health, offering a fresh and exciting approach.

Design Styles and Guidelines

Design Styles and Guidelines

<aside> ✅ With the help of a proper design stance in the right direction, we helped create a sustainable design guideline for the brand that could be universally followed.


🔤  Bold Typography

Tanker's striking appearance and Assistant's subtle elegance create a dynamic contrast, drawing attention where needed.

🎨 Earthy Color Palette

Tango and Lima evoke a sense of health and natural wellness, resonating with the target audience.

🫂 Community-Driven

The chosen fonts and colors foster a sense of belonging and connection, inviting individuals to join a supportive community focused on gut health.

GG Design Branding

GG Design Branding

This conveys a refreshing and bold brand identity that is both visually appealing 👀 and emotionally resonant 💎 .

<aside> 💝

By combining vibrant colors, strong typography, and a community-focused approach, the brand successfully captures the essence of a health-conscious lifestyle and inspires viewers to become a part of the movement 💫


🤞 Final words

This one is the bright and shining project that I can say is what my vibe revolves around. Colors and flat designs…